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Wireless power with no bounds

At GuRu Wireless, we are focused on enabling new capabilities and use cases where power delivery using wires or batteries is prohibitively expensive, costly to maintain or not practical.

Aerospace & Defense

Industrial & Commercial


Aerospace and Defense

High power at unprecedented distances for defense applications

For C4ISR applications – on land, at sea, or in space – GuRu Wireless technology can safely deliver high power over extended distances, a potential game-changer for extended-range and persistent ISR systems, command-and-control technologies, resilient communications and other critical systems.

For extended untethered drone flights, the typical flight time today for a battery powered drone is ~30-45 minutes. At GuRu Wireless, we’ve demonstrated uninterrupted drone flight time of 96 hours.

And we’re just getting started.

GuRu Wireless Aerospace & Defense
GuRu Wireless Commercial Applications
GuRu Wireless Commercial Applications - Windows
Industrial & Commercial

Enabling new industrial & commercial use cases

In commercial buildings, warehouses and factories, our technology can provide over-the-air power and wireless charging with maintenance-free deployment for a range of new technologies. For IoT devices, sensors, actuators, and other new technologies such as electrochromic windows, we can help you decrease costs while increasing sustainability and convenience.
Solutions we’ve delivered to partners have shown a significant reduction in installation and maintenance costs, and also provide an opportunity to embed other new technologies enabled by wireless charging.

Energy resiliency through wireless power

Whether it’s delivering power to remote locations during emergencies, last mile power delivery to critical infrastructure, energy grid redundancy, or resilient communications networks, GuRu’s technology for wireless power transfer at distance can make all the difference.

GuRu Wireless - Infrastructure Resiliency

Take advantage of GuRu's wireless power at distance

Contact us with your application requirements and let’s get started.